
August 16, 2018

Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl

Summer is just around the corner! In the colder months (the Bostonian in me is rolling her eyes...since when does 50 degree weather constitute as “cold?”), I wake up craving a big bowl of warm, hearty oatmeal. As the weather gets warmer, I find myself trading in my oats for a smoothie bowl, loaded with all the toppings! I especially love cooling down with one after a warm run or an afternoon at the beach. The options are endless when it comes to flavor combinations, but strawberry banana is always a winner in my book! If I’m pressed for time and rushing to get out of the house, I’ll pour the smoothie mixture into a cup, sprinkle on some granola and berries, and take it go!


Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl



Prep Time:

No prep needed

Cook TIME:

10 minutes

Total Time:

10 minutes


Smoothie base:

1/4 to 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk

1 frozen banana

1 cup frozen strawberries

1 serving of your favorite protein powder (I used Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides)




Pomegranate seeds

Shredded coconut

Cacao nibs


Blend until ingredients are combined into a smooth puree, adding more almond milk, as needed. Add all smoothie base ingredients to a high speed blender, pouring in 1/4 cup of almond milk to start. Blend on high speed until ingredients are combined into a smooth puree, adding more almond milk, as needed. Pour into a bowl and top with strawberries, blueberries, pomegranate seeds, coconut, and cacao nibs, Serve immediately.