
August 16, 2018

It's Nice To Meet You!

Why hello there! I’m so excited to finally have a space to share more of my healthy living journey with you!

My love for healthy eating began during college. I had been dealing with digestive issues for many years and finally sought professional help for the first time. I was diagnosed with IBS and given a generic handout suggesting lifestyle modifications that might improve my condition. What did I have to lose? I began to pay closer attention to what I was eating and how it was making me feel and soon realized that I might be able to start feeling better by changing my diet.  I grew up eating fairly healthy, but also never really giving much thought to what I put into my body.

When I started eliminating heavily processed foods and focusing on eating fresh fruits and veggies, I saw huge improvements. Over the next few years, I became more and more interested in improving my diet to reduce my symptoms without the use of prescriptions. I stumbled upon this whole new world of healthy eating blogs filled with drool-worthy recipes made with real ingredients. I couldn’t get enough. I soon realized how great being active made me feel and discovered my love for running, yoga, and strength-training. Turns out the uncoordinated girl who dreaded gym class just needed to find the right kind of exercise in order to enjoy it!

I started sharing my passion for healthy living and wellness on my Instagram account, @pushupsandpeanutbutter, as a way to hold myself accountable for this new lifestyle. In doing so, I discovered a love for cooking, photography, and connecting with others who understand the need for an extensive nut butter collection. I hope that this blog can be an extension of that outlet and allow me to share more recipes and reflections with all of you!


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